Executive counseling

I counsel and advise high profile professionals, academics, specialists, and executives who get stuck in old behavior patterns at work. Who have run into problems that may threaten everything they have built up, if they stick to their old routines. Whose personal and professional integrity is at stake. I also counsel professionals who get stuck in behavior patterns that have not led to great problems yet, but that cause a decrease in performance, discomfort, conflicts, and dysfunction. Furthermore, I advise individuals, groups and organizations on tailored solutions for complex leadership issues.

You receive high-quality counseling delivered by an experienced professional who worked at the top, has seen many places and organizations and knows the ropes. Who sat at both sides of the table, also as an experience expert. Who made mistakes like every other person and learned from them. We focus on ratio, thinking ability, resilience, and honesty, but with empathy, intuition and self-compassion. No chat therapy, no guru wisdom, no coaching nonsense, just get to work, together. Discretion is of great importance, as is personal respectability. My goal in every session: for you to take back control, for a better, more valuable life, without unnecessary burdens from the past.